In Amos 3 Jesus asks us how can two walk together unless they agree. He deals with a prophecy also in Amos 1 about the current events in California. Jesus wants us to know about the secrets of his scriptures and the mysteries of his prophecies which he freely gives to his prophets and the body of christ but we need to be in agreement and in obedience. In numbers 14 Jesus shows us what disobedience produces. In 2 Peter 3 we see that Jesus confirms this yet again . Jesus wants to protect his body through faith to know he is speaking. But yet the scripture sais in the last days there would be scoffers saying where is the promise of his coming. For the since the fathers fells asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. So we live with a continual scoffing mocking persecution. Again through faith Jesus wants us to know he is speaking & leading us through every season.
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