In this 3rd Part of our Revelation Series the Holy spirit leads in to the truth of Jacob's trouble Tribulation and the Great Tribulation . We start off looking at Isaiah 41-43 we follow the times of the Gentiles being fulfilled . Which transitions us to Luke 21:24 Ezekiel 36 37 38 and Zechariah 14 & 8 we see the destruction of the Kingdom of the North GOG which is modern day Russia. We see the mount of Olives split and a great war that is ended very quickly . We move into the valley of Dry bones in Ezekiel and the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11 seeing the restoration of Israel and Judah and the revelation of the truth of the Hebrew Israelite people of the 12 tribes- Black & African American ,Native America , Hispanic's , Latinos ,Dominicans Haitans and the supposed minorities of most of the world . We finish off by looking further into the Final 7th trumpet & the Great mystery . Peace Love & Blessings of The Holy spirit. Also below is the video we watched in the 1st half of the Sermon
Original Video link here https://youtu.be/ny0ztA5NiPo
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