Jesus leads us into all truth in his word 1st in 1 Corinthians 8 & Leviticus 5 & 6. Side by side with Matthew 5. Jesus has us read Leviticus 6 about taking an oath and then swearing falsely. That any man thats swears falsely about anything lost shall restore it to that person & add to that which was restored making things right with that person. In Matthew 5:22-23 Jesus tell us that if we bring our gift before the Altar and remember that our brother has something against us, leave our gift there and 1st be reconciled to our brother. Jesus is giving us a word of restoring and reconciling with our neighbors our loved ones and our family members by blood and in Christ.He wants us sanctified living as a Royal nation a Royal priesthood a chosen generation set apart by the king as great examples in his kingdom.

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