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See us at River Of Zion Revival Service This Saturday


With Obedience & Patience this might have happened alot sooner than expected , but Jesus's divine timing is never wrong.We want to praise Jesus for this opportunity. He has lead us so far on a 6 year journey in South Dakota. We have had 3 years so far devoted to #SMUCD , the ministry Jesus gave us to touch many people right where they are, and bring them up by the leading of the holy spirit. Jesus has opened a door & made room for a calling he told us about so long ago. We will be in Fellowship & in Praise & Worship , Preaching a message with #RiverOfZionMinistry Anthony David Cortez Claudia Adele Ziegler Jasmine at their Church on Lower Brule Reservation this Saturday . Go before us Jesus and prepare the way ((breath Life)). Praying that Jesus Christ pours out his spirit. Praise , Thanks to our mentors in Jesus Family friends and prayer teams you guys all know who you are there are many to name.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 12.2.KJV

We will be preaching our Sermon This saturday from this location join us online over zoom for those not there with us starting at 11:30 am EST instructions are below. Amen !!

If You would like to Join- login Just click that 1st link and put in the passcode

Sermon : Darrell Barber Praise & Worship: Ashley Barber

Meeting ID: 960 5801 3717

Passcode: i5nVGe

scroll down all the way down till you see sermons and click join now



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