In this Sermon Jesus leads us into the subject again of clean and unclean & what the nations around us practiced. Jesus called these a abominable practices now we see these same practices being performed in the world around us . Jesus said we are in this world , but not of it. Jesus takes us to Leviticus 20 scripture states that any man of the sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel that gives any of his seed unto Molech shall surely die. It also states that anyone that goes after familiar spirits or wizards shall be cut off. Jesus leads us to see these examples in 1 Samuel 28 with Saul and the witch of Endor ,in the new testament in Acts 8 with Simon the Sorcerer Acts 13 with Bar Jesus. One of the best examples is in Acts 16 with the woman who was possessed with the spirit of Divination who followed Paul & Barnabas. Jesus leads us to understand that these things are still going on in the world. He wants us to be clean & spotless keeping his word, obeying his word single minded and on one accord as lively stones ready to be used for building up the kingdom more & more. Amen
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