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Sermon Series 142 AntiChrist Beast System Part 4 World Council Of Churches (The Religous Spirit)


In this Sermon Jesus leads us back into The AntiChrist Beast System Part 4 taking a look at the World Council of Churches which from the information about the WCC is controlled by the Catholic church. Jesus leads us into all truth by pointing us to Matthew 24:14-16 which sais that " this Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the world for a witness and then the end will come". He also leads us to John 17 :20-23 which is the creed and motto for this council & organization under a word called Eucumenical. When we read the scripture there is a clear distinction of the body of christ that the spirit of Jesus would bring us together not the works of Mens hands and the doctrines of men by force. We see this clearly in Acts chapters 2-4. The WCC is more of a manifestation of the one world religions and organizations spoken of in Revelation 13.In Isaiah 48 Jesus tells us that "I am the Lord Thy god which teacheth thee to profit , which leadeth thee by the way which thou shouldest go". This is how we are lead & brought together as the body of christ by Jesus the Holy spirit himself. Amen.

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