In this Sermon Jesus leads us to the subject Of Raising up. What & how is he raising us up. 1st Jesus leads us to Ezekiel 12:21-28 in which he sais he is going to perform his word " the word which i have spoken shall be done , saith The Lord God. Jesus then takes us to Micah 4:6-13 in Line 11 he says "Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon zion". They Look upon Zion because they have been defiled in a purposeful planned way. This past week planned parenthood stationed a bus outside of a convention for the democratic party that gave free abortions and vasectomies. This is a bold purposeful transgression of one of the most important commandments of Jesus thou shalt not kill . This is a reminder of what we read in Matthew 24 that in the last times the peoples hearts would grow cold we know we are closer to that time now than ever before.But Jesus is raising us up out of Sin ,Death , Uncleaness & Flesh to Life , Cleaness, Holiness and Spirit.Amen
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Sermon : Darrell Barber Praise & Worship: Ashley Barber
Meeting ID: 960 5801 3717
Passcode: i5nVGe
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