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Sermon Series 152 And For The Gospel


In this Sermon Jesus blesses starting off in Mark 8:34-38 that whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's , the same shall save . Jesus wants us to know we are gonna suffer persecution and sharing the word the Bible sometimes is harder than we think but our inheritance our reward is with him when we follow him. That confidence in Jesus that faith consistency that truth is the spirit of John the Baptist the holy spirit itself the spirit of truth working out in the world today. There is a spirit of religion that corrupts the word and posses people organizations and local churches. This spirit tries to take away the prophecy and the word and the plan Jesus has prophetically put in our hearts to fulfill to help spread the word by the will of Jesus. Through People it violates it does it violence like what we read in Zephaniah 3:1-7 her priests have polluted the sanctuary they have done violence to the law .

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