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Sermon Series 153 Go Forth & Build Prt 1


Updated: Dec 26, 2024

On this Sermon Jesus takes us into our task of Going Forth and continuing to build what he has spoken to us in our lives to Glorify him and Edify his kingdom No matter what has happened along the way . We read in Acts 16:9 that Paul has a vision the 1st confirmation that they are doing the will of god . Paul and Silas continued on in their ministry traveling into Macedonian area of Phillipi. This was early on in Timothy and Silas's ministry . Theyre ministry along with Paul is confirmed and verified again by Jesus the holy spirit himself through Lydia being inspired and her whole house being baptized . Lydia also provided Paul Silas and timothy and place to rest on their travels and opened up her home to them . Jesus wants us to know to continue to build where he has told us to build and he will confirm it no matter how much we are persecuted or doubted .Jesus leads us into the book of Haggai the prophet who lived during the time of Nehemiah in Haggai 1:12 it says then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua the son of Jehozadak the high priest with all of the Remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the Lord their God. In Haggai 2:4 it sais and all you people of the land take courage declares the lord and work for I am with you says the Lord of Hosts. Jesus is saying keep going forward in Progress I am with you amen .

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