In this Sermon Jesus leads to look at what the kingdom will be like & what it looks like now . Jesus introduces us in Hebrews 12 that we are part of the General Assembly The Church of The 1st Born Jesus Christ himself this is a bit of a visual of for us. Next Jesus leads us to Ephesians 5 Jesus gives us qualities of the kingdom like submission in humiliy which is a prime quality wives submission to husbands children' submission to parents and men and everyone being in submission to Jesus who is the head. We see the example in verse 19 ' speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs making melody in your heart to the lord. We get not only a quality of the kingdom but actions of the kingdom. Jesus leads us to 1st Peter which talk about our Grace abounding or overflowing & producing more qualities . Jesus needs us to walk in these examples. In Ezekiel chapter 40 &47 and Zephaniah 14 we get a visual examples of the temple in the 1000 years of peace and the River that flows out from the temple signifying to us life and peace which we see repeated in Revelation 20 Jesus wants us to know that his prophecies are real and true and we need to look forward to all of it amen.
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