In this Sermon & episode we explore what it means and what happens when Jesus pours his spirit out on us . What does this look like? Well the first scripture we take a look at it is Isaiah 45 which talks about disobedience which results in almost a silence but no quite . We then move on to Isaiah 44 in which God talks about pouring water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground I will pour out my spirit upon thy seed speaking of our want our thirst our need for God just as Jesus describes. Revelation 22 then speaks about the water of life flowing from the throne and the temple . Remember what Jesus spoke about search and you will find he waits to pour out upon us . We then read the experience of Saul's transformation into Paul how he was condemning and had become the comdemned , then overjoyed & what he saw heard and felt as Jesus dripped and dripped then poured out upon Paul his Holy spirit .
Also Check out our Black History in The Bible Series 3rd Saturdays 1-2pm EST on Tight Knit Radio WOLB 1010 Baltimore
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