In this 6th part of our Revelation Sermon Series we connect Revelation 11 to Revelation 13 where the 2 Witnesses finish their testimony & as it is written in the Bible the Beast (Antichrist) Rises out of the Bottomless Pit . At the same time as we previously read in our last 2 sermons the rapture happens . We read about the Beast or Antichrist speaking blasphemous words against Jesus and the saints we also read this in Daniel 7 . We read also at the beginning of Revelation 14the return of the 144,000 saints who return with Jesus on top of mount Zion harping with their harps . Singing a new song before the throne that no man could learn but them . As we are lead by the holy spirit come and discover this chapter with us. Asking the right questions receiving the right answers by the holy spirit Jesus . Amen. Feel free to React , comment ,give feedback and share.
Videos below we watched full Tel megiddo video and about 4 mins of the other 2 videos below
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