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On this 9th Part of our Revelation Series We see The kingdom & people of God enter into the Thousand years of Peace . We start off backtracking in Revelation 19 & 20 with the destruction of the wicked kings of the Earth. Jesus leads us to Parallel these events written in the Bible with a few of the current circumstances going on in the world today & who some of these kings may be . We read more about these things in Matthew 24 how Jesus talks about in the end time there would be many false prophets that would deny his name and that the hearts of many would wax cold. He also mentiones famines pestilences & earthquakes in various places the Holy spirit also leads us to look at a few of these currents disasters. Jesus leads us into Mathew 25 with the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats and how that takes us back to the Kidron valley and what happens there which is a level of Judgement of those sheep and goats . Lastly the Holy spirit leads us through Matthew 25 with the Parable of the 10 Virgins & how we are to be ready with our lamps & oil which is an Anointing , Jesus speaks telling us to be ready. https://www.smucd.org/blog https://www.smucd.org/donate
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