In this Sermon the Holy Spirits Leads to ask the Question . How Much Of Our House is Built On Stone ? We start off reflecting a bit on the qualities of this foundation in Ephesians 4 reflecting on the quality of Peace. What Jesus set in place for us & what we are building or edifying towards . We then go into Daniels incredible story describing Nebuchadnezzers dream of a great statue representing kingdoms that is smashed by a stone not cut out by human hands and then grows to cover the whole earth the statue is reduced to dust which is an explanation of the heavenly Kingdom of Jesus and again what is being built . We then look closely Jesus famous parable of the wise man who built his house on rock and the other who built his house on sand which when the storm came was washed away . We look at another explanation of this in 1 corinthians 3 where paul explains that our owrk would be tested in fire and will either stand or be burned up . We then look at some examples of this with Simon the Sorcerer , The Ethiopian Eunuch & Nabal . Listen along leave & message or comment . Peace & Love of The Holy Spirit
We took a look at this video afterwards Also Check out our Black History in The Bible Series 3rd Saturdays 1-2pm EST on Tight Knit Radio WOLB 1010 Baltimore
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